— General purpose RESTful tools

This API will replace Low level RESTful web service API.


class, apiname, apiversion, suffix_to_content_type_map={'xml': 'application/xml', 'yaml': 'application/yaml', 'json': 'application/json', 'html': 'text/html', 'extjs.json': 'application/extjsjson'}, input_data_preprocessors=[], output_data_postprocessors=[<function extjs at 0x10d6a05f0>], output_content_type_detectors=[<function devilry_accept_querystringparam at 0x10d697de8>, <function suffix at 0x10d6975f0>, <function from_acceptheader at 0x10d697d70>], input_content_type_detectors=[<function from_content_type_header at 0x10d697140>, <function use_output_content_type at 0x10d6971b8>], inputdata_handlers=[<function getqrystring_inputdata_handler at 0x10d697f50>, <function rawbody_inputdata_handler at 0x10d6a0050>], dataconverters={'application/extjsjson': <class 'devilry.dataconverter.jsondataconverter.JsonDataConverter'>, 'application/json': <class 'devilry.dataconverter.jsondataconverter.JsonDataConverter'>, 'application/yaml': <class 'devilry.dataconverter.yamldataconverter.YamlDataConverter'>, 'text/html': <class 'devilry.dataconverter.htmldataconverter.HtmlDataConverter'>, 'application/xml': <class 'devilry.dataconverter.xmldataconverter.XmlDataConverter'>}, restmethod_routers=[<function post_to_create at 0x10d6a0140>, <function get_with_id_to_read at 0x10d6a01b8>, <function put_with_id_to_update at 0x10d6a02a8>, <function delete_to_delete at 0x10d6a0398>, <function get_without_id_to_list at 0x10d6a0230>, <function put_without_id_to_batch at 0x10d6a0320>], response_handlers=[<function stricthttp at 0x10d6a00c8>])[source]

Django view that handles input/output to

  • restapicls – A class implementing
  • suffix_to_content_type_map – Maps suffix to content type. Used to determine content-type from url-suffix.
  • input_data_preprocessors

    List of input data post-processor callbacks. The callbacks have the following signature:

    match, data = f(request, output_data)

    The data of the first matching callback will be used. If no processor matches, the unchanged data will be used.

    Together with output_data_postprocessors this allows for wrapping certain content-types with extra data. Example of use is to add data that is required by a javascript library, such as the successful attribute required by ExtJS.

  • output_data_postprocessors – List of input data post-processor callbacks. See input_data_preprocessors for more details. Note that the callbacks take one additional argument, a boolean telling if the restful method completed without error.
  • output_content_type_detectors

    Input content type detectors detect the content type of the request data. Must be a list of callables with the following signature:

    content_type  = f(request, suffix)
    The first content_type that is not bool(content_type)==False will
    be used.
  • input_content_type_detectors

    Similar to output_content_type_detectors, except for input/request instead of for output/response. Furthermore, the the callbacks take the output content-type as the third argument:

    content_type  = f(request, suffix, output_content_type)

    This is because few clients send the CONTENT_TYPE header, and falling back on output content-type is a mostly sane default.

  • inputdata_handlers

    Input data handlers convert input data into a dict. Input data can come from several sources:

    • Querystring
    • Paramater in querystring
    • Request body

    Therefore, we need to check for data in several places. Instead of hardcoding this checking, we accept a list of callables that does the checking.

    Must be a list of callables with the following signature:

    match, data = f(request, input_content_type, dataconverters)

    The first input data handler returning match==True is be used.

    See for implementations.

    Input data can come in many different formats and from different sources. Examples are such XML in request body, query string and JSON embedded in a query string parameter.

  • dataconverters

    A dict of implementations of devilry.dataconverter.dataconverter.DataConverter. The key is a content-type. Data converters convert between python and some other format, such as JSON or XML.

    Typically used by input_datahandlers and response_handlers to convert data
    input the content_type detected by one of the output_content_type_detectors.
  • restmethod_routers

    A list of callables with the following signature:

    restapimethodname, args, kwargs = f(request, id, input_data)

    None must be returned if the route does not match.

    Restmetod routes takes determines which method in the interface to call, and the arguments to use for the call.

  • response_handlers

    Response handlers are responsible for creating responses. Signature:

    reponse = f(request, restapimethodname, output_content_type, encoded_output)

    The first response handler returning bool(response) == True is used.

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