devilry.apps.extjshelpers — ExtJS helpers

TODO: Tutorial and more docs.

Template filters

To use these filters, add the following to your Django template:

{% load extjs %}

Note that the examples below assume that devilry.examiner.restful.RestfulSimplifiedDelivery is available as a template variable as RestfulSimplifiedDelivery. You may use any RESTful class in place of RestfulSimplifiedDelivery.


Simple usage:

// Create a variable with the extjsmodel class definition
var deliverymodel = {{ RestfulSimplifiedDelivery|extjs_model }};

// Often you will rather define a model and use it later with the
// extjs_modelname filter (or a combination of both approaches)
{{ RestfulSimplifiedDelivery|extjs_model }};
var deliverymodelname = {{ RestfulSimplifiedDelivery|extjs_modelname }};
var model = Ext.ModelManager.getModel(deliverymodelname);

Specifying result_fieldgroups and model name suffix:

// Specify result_fieldgroups
{{ RestfulSimplifiedDelivery|extjs_model:"assignment_group,deadline" }};

// ... or specify a name suffix (to make the model name unique)
//     Notice the ;
{{ RestfulSimplifiedDelivery|extjs_model:";MyScope" }};

// ... or specify result_fieldgroups and suffix
{{ RestfulSimplifiedDelivery|extjs_model:"assignment_group,deadline;MyScope" }};

// Note that you can use extjs_modelname to get a suffixed name
{{ RestfulSimplifiedDelivery|extjs_modelname:"MyScope" }};
devilry.apps.extjshelpers.templatetags.extjs.extjs_model(restfulcls, args=None)[source]

Create an extjs model from the given restful class. Uses restfulcls_to_extjsmodel().

  • restfulcls – Forwarded directly to restfulcls_to_extjsmodel().
  • args – A string containing the arguments for restfulcls_to_extjsmodel(). args is split on ";". The first item in the resulting tuple is split on "," and forwarded as result_fieldgroups. If args is empty, result_fieldgroups will be an empty list. The second item in the resulting tuple is forwarded as modelnamesuffix. If args does not contain ";", this modelnamesuffix will be an empty string.


var modelname = {{ RestfulSimplifiedDelivery|extjs_modelname }};
devilry.apps.extjshelpers.templatetags.extjs.extjs_modelname(restfulcls, modelnamesuffix='')[source]

Get the name of the extjs model generated by extjs_model() using the same restfulcls.

Uses get_extjs_modelname().


var comboboxmodel = {{ RestfulSimplifiedDelivery|extjs_combobox_model }};
devilry.apps.extjshelpers.templatetags.extjs.extjs_combobox_model(restfulcls, modelnamesuffix='')[source]

Wrapper for restfulcls_to_extjscomboboxmodel().


var deliverystore = {{ RestfulSimplifiedDelivery|extjs_store }};
devilry.apps.extjshelpers.templatetags.extjs.extjs_store(restfulcls, storeidsuffix='')[source]

Create an extjs store from the given restful class. Uses restfulcls_to_extjsstore().

Parameters:storeidsuffix – Forwarded directly to restfulcls_to_extjsstore().

Low-level API for filters

devilry.apps.extjshelpers.modelintegration.get_extjs_modelname(restfulcls, modelnamesuffix='')[source]

Get the ExtJS model name for the given restful class. Generated from the module name and class name of restfulcls._meta.simplified

Parameters:modelnamesuffix – Suffixed to the generated model name.
devilry.apps.extjshelpers.modelintegration.restfulcls_to_extjsmodel(restfulcls, result_fieldgroups=[], modelnamesuffix='', pretty=False)[source]

Create an extjs model from the given restful class.

  • restfulcls – A class defined using the RESTful API.
  • result_fieldgroupsresult_fieldgroups is added as additional parameters to the proxy, which means that the parameter is forwarded to on the server after passing through validations in the RESTful wrapper.
  • modelnamesuffix – See get_extjs_modelname().
  • pretty – Prettyformat output.
devilry.apps.extjshelpers.modelintegration.export_restfulcls_to_extjsmodel(restfulcls, result_fieldgroups=[], modelnamesuffix='')[source]

Create an extjs model from the given restful class.

devilry.apps.extjshelpers.modelintegration.restfulcls_to_extjscomboboxmodel(restfulcls, modelnamesuffix='')[source]

Shortcut for:

devilry.apps.extjshelpers.storeintegration.get_extjs_storeid(restfulcls, storeidsuffix='')[source]

Get the ExtJS store id for the given restful class. Generated from the store id and class name of restfulcls._meta.simplified

Parameters:storeidsuffix – This string added to the end of the id.
devilry.apps.extjshelpers.storeintegration.restfulcls_to_extjsstore(restfulcls, integrateModel=False, modelkwargs={}, storeidsuffix='')[source]

Create an extjs store from the given restful class.

  • restfulcls – A class defined using the RESTful API.
  • integrateModel – Make the model a part of the store. Uses Uses restfulcls_to_extjsmodel() with modelkwargs as arguments.
  • modelkwargs – See integrateModel.
  • storeidsuffix – Forwarded to func:get_extjs_storeid to generate the id of the store and to func:devilry.extjshelpers.modelintegration.get_extjs_modelname (as modelnamesuffix) to generate the model name.

Extensions to the RESTful API

See Low level RESTful web service API.


Decorator for RESTful classes.

Checks for, and adds defaults for the extjs specific inner meta class, ExtjsModelMeta.

ExtjsModelMeta can have the following attributes:

When this object is used in a combobox (search, foreign-key, ...), the combobox need a field, displayField, to show after the an item has been selected (when not showing a dropdown). This attribute species a field name in the resultdata from to use as displayField for comboboxes. Defaults to 'id'.
Species the result_fieldgroups to send to when querying for data in a combobox (see combobox_displayfield for more details on comboboxes). Defaults to an empty list.
Species the Ext.XTemplate (an extjs class) template to use for each item in the combobox dropdown (see combobox_displayfield parameter for more details on comboboxes). Defaults to '{combobox_displayfield}'.